Despite the global economic turmoil, CMI is committed to continue to move forward into the nations to raise up and develop Godly leaders on the cutting edge of the Gospel’s advance. Times of crisis also bring times of incredible opportunity. We will continue to be stewards of “God opportunities” around the world to make a difference.
Let us remember in these current times “Joseph sowed in a time of Famine.”
Friends and partners of CMI continue to respond with incredible generosity toward our giving challenge. Many are pledging to respond, and we are confident in God’s provision for every good work.
Giving to Christian Ministries International
You can partner with CMI by signing up for recurring gifts or by making a secure online donation. Please click here for more information.
Financial contributions can be mailed to
2615 Serenity Cir N
Fort Pierce, FL 34981
"As Believers facing an unsettling future, we are confronted with unique issues requiring strategic thinking and targeted response. New leadership paradigms are essential to our mission."
We can accomplish all God wants in our lives as we abide in Christ.
What conditions are you confronting today? You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.
“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19). Again, look at the context. Paul was thanking the Philippians church for their financial investment in his first missionary journey. Now, because they had given to what is of highest importance to God – the global triumph of His Son – they could rest assure that God would meet all their needs.
As you give to advance the Gospel, God promises to meet all your needs – and meet them abundantly; “according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19, NIV).
In these turbulent times, you can live with confidence, joy and peace. You can do all things through the strength Christ provides. God will supply all your needs from His glorious storehouse of riches which are dispensed to us through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Dr. L. Lynn Hood
President and Founder
This year CMI was privileged to host several of our International Partners for a working Summit in Florida. During these wonderful days together, God welded our hearts with the common vision to see Jesus globally glorified and His Great Commission fulfilled.
As we prayed with one another, heard the stories of victories and challenges, and strategized together for the future, I was struck again with the honor of serving with men of God like these. These gallant soldiers of the Cross face huge difficulties daily for the sake of the Gospel. Some of our regional directors live under constant threat. Yet they live joyful, victorious lives. These brothers live out two great promises from God’s Word, both found in Philippians 4:
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13). Notice the context. Paul wrote to the Philippians that he had found the secret of contentment in all conditions of life, both in abundance and need. The secret was his deep, abiding relationship with Christ. In today’s economic turmoil, we must rediscover this foundational truth.
We can live above our circumstances.